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Archive for the 'Rants' Category

To blog, or not to blog?

That is the question.
As I can see you have noticed, by blog posts have been non-existant for quite some time. It seems like no matter how much I tell myself I’m going to update more, I just can’t see to find the motivation. I definatly appreciate everyone still checking on the site and bugging me […]

Jesus Camp

The other night we watched the movie ‘Jesus Camp’. I had heard about this movie but wasn’t really sure what to expect. And it turned out to be rather disturbing…
‘Jesus Camp’ is a documentary about Evangelical christians and how these religious extremists teach their kids about religion. It follows a few children as they go […]


I know, I know….
I very overdue for an update. I’m actually struggling to find stuff to post these days. I think I have been rather busy with work these days. And other then that I haven’t been up to much. And like I said before I think i have been posting a few to many […]

Cool photo contest

Here’s some pretty cool picture’s from a photo contest called Wildlife Photographer Of The Year competition:

The guy who took the one of the seal must be pretty patient. Although I think the crazy thing in the sand underwater is my favorite.
Click here to see the photo that won the contest though.
“Get, Get, Get, Get, Get […]


Here’s a pretty cool goal from a skills competition. I’m going to learn to skate this winter, then I’ll start practicing my dancing goals.
I hope you guys like the new setup, I think it looks pretty cool. Thanks to Netbug for helping me set it up.
“Caution is a word that I can’t understand!” - Operation […]

Update, I’m sick…arrrgh
Other then that not too much exciting stuff going on.
I went to see the cat empire last weekend, it rocked. But once again they hit us with a stupid early show (doors @ 5pm), so you get out of the show around 9 and don’t really know what to do with yourself after […]

So it has been awhile since my last post. My excuse this time is that I really have been busy. I have finally started my real shifts at Rogers. (I started working in Home phone tech support) But stupidly I signed up for some overtime to fill in the ‘cash gaps’ I was experiencing…so I […]

A day in toronto

Here’s a cool time lapse photo of Toronto. Make sure you scroll down to try the flash part. Pretty cool Idea.
A Day In Toronto
“They say losing love is like a window in your heart, everybody sees you’re blown apart” - Paul Simon

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I got level ten

I got to level ten…sometimes you have to play levels twice to understand what the hell is going on!
Mouse game
“Have you ever been, so bored and tierd?” - A Certain Symmatry

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Police have got to keep up!

So I’ve been reading a lot of stories lately involving people getting questioned by police, or even arrested simply because of the technology that they are carrying. Not because they are doing anything suspicious with this technology, but just because the gadgets that they are using are not widely known yet.
For example, you may have […]

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