Cottage weekend / lazy posts
July 8th, 2006 by Nibor
So I have been pretty busy this past week and posting has been kind of difficult. But I think a three day break is not that bad.
Last weekend was a long weekend for Canada Day. So after the Cat Empire show on Friday night. I had a whole crew of people heading up to the cottage for Saturday morning right through till Monday night.
It was an awesome weekend. The weather was just about perfect. And everyone that came up got along really well. With fireworks at Dorset on Sunday night and a brand new fire pit right down by the water, I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Good job to Kevin for “borrowing” some inner tubes from work. They were perfect for lounging around in the water. An awesome game of kings in the gazebo was classic too. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did and I can’t wait to do it again.
Here’s a few photos:
I’ve put the rest of the photo’s that I have from this weekend in my photo’s link. I will post the rest as people send them to me.
Ok, on to this weekend. This weekend was My brothers annual BBQ up at my parents place. It was awesome as usual. A lot of key players came by and it was really great to catch up with everyone that I haven’t talked to in awhile. Nothing like staying up till 3 in the morning catching up in your parent’s kitchen. Good work to Drew for having yet another successful BBQ. I know that everyone loves them and I hope they keep happening year after year!
Today (Saturday), Derek, Adam, Gabe, and I battled our hangovers from the BBQ and made the trek out to the zoo. Derek and I got Memberships so that we can go whenever we want for a year. It should be pretty good. We had a lot of fun today as the weather was just about perfect. But we were all a little bit groggy. So tonight I think we will just be staying in.
Oh yeah! I had my parents down for dinner on Wednesday night. That was pretty fun. Derek cooked a mean roast and I think my parents were pretty impressed. It was good just to hang out with them down here.
I guess that’s it for now!
“Don’t call me white, don’t caaalll me white!” - NoFx
Thanks for cleaning up so well Dobs The place looked great! Thanks for a great weekend at the cottage too. You have wonderful friends. It is pretty special to us that your guys and gals feel so “part of the cottage”, that they treat it with such respect and that they are comfortable sitting and chilling with “Mom and Dad”
Fixed the link to your photo’s. It will work for everybody now.
Thanks for the help with the BBQ setup and cleanup.