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Wow, No posts for awhile!

I haven’t posted for awhile, this is true.

Although I have been pretty busy, that excuse is getting pretty old. The truth is I just couldn’t really think of anything to write about.

We had a pretty sad week. My Grandma, Lillian, pasted away on the 22nd. It has been a little hard on the family and I know that she will be missed. However, my grandma was very sick and I really think it was just her time. We had a very nice service for her in Aurora on Wednesday. At the funeral my cousins and I played a piece towards the end of the service. I was a little nervous about the whole thing because I hadn’t touched my bass in about a year and a half. But it all wen’t well and I really enjoyed playing. I have decided that I am going to make a serious effort to pick up the bass again.

On Friday night Derek and I went up to Kevin’s parents place for a bit of a party, nothing huge, just about 8 of us. But Kevin has a very nice house so it was pretty fun to hang out there.

Last night I watched “It’s all gone Pete Tong” , a great movie about a DJ that loses his hearing and eventually gets back into DJing using vibration and site as his guides. I recommend it.

I have had my first phone interveiw at Rogers. (I’m trying to get a job doing tech support for home phones) I have my next interveiw the second week of August, so fingers crossed!

And that’s about it. Pretty relaxing weekend really. Back to work tomorrow. :(

“I’m the king of bongo baby, I’m the king of Bongo Bong” - Manu Chow

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