Wow, No posts for awhile!
July 30th, 2006 by Nibor
I haven’t posted for awhile, this is true.
Although I have been pretty busy, that excuse is getting pretty old. The truth is I just couldn’t really think of anything to write about.
We had a pretty sad week. My Grandma, Lillian, pasted away on the 22nd. It has been a little hard on the family and I know that she will be missed. However, my grandma was very sick and I really think it was just her time. We had a very nice service for her in Aurora on Wednesday. At the funeral my cousins and I played a piece towards the end of the service. I was a little nervous about the whole thing because I hadn’t touched my bass in about a year and a half. But it all wen’t well and I really enjoyed playing. I have decided that I am going to make a serious effort to pick up the bass again.
On Friday night Derek and I went up to Kevin’s parents place for a bit of a party, nothing huge, just about 8 of us. But Kevin has a very nice house so it was pretty fun to hang out there.
Last night I watched “It’s all gone Pete Tong” , a great movie about a DJ that loses his hearing and eventually gets back into DJing using vibration and site as his guides. I recommend it.
I have had my first phone interveiw at Rogers. (I’m trying to get a job doing tech support for home phones) I have my next interveiw the second week of August, so fingers crossed!
And that’s about it. Pretty relaxing weekend really. Back to work tomorrow.
“I’m the king of bongo baby, I’m the king of Bongo Bong” - Manu Chow