Not much to report…
October 12th, 2006 by Nibor
Update, I’m sick…arrrgh
Other then that not too much exciting stuff going on.
I went to see the cat empire last weekend, it rocked. But once again they hit us with a stupid early show (doors @ 5pm), so you get out of the show around 9 and don’t really know what to do with yourself after that. Good show cat empire, wicked hotel califorina cover, but learn to stay up late when you come to Toronto.
I also had a throw back to the old days and did a day working with Adam at ‘Student Cutz’ in North York. This is the lawn cutting service that I worked with last summer. Good times as usual. I made sure to wine and complain a lot just to piss Adam off, but I think we had a good time, and got enough work done for the day.
I guess that’s about it. I’m working on getting over this cold. I was paranoid that it would be strep throat but the doc assures me that it isn’t. So I’m just taking it easy this week, and going up to my parents place tomorrow for a late thanksgiving dinner.
Sorry for the lack of an interesting post…here’s a video of a balloon in a microwave.
“Take another shot of courage, wonder why the right words never come.” - Eagles