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Wii! Snow!!

I love snow. The other night coming home from work I saw the first snow of the season. It wasn’t much but it was there. Perfect timing too cause I have (finally) received my new jacket, so I’m all set. Plus I’ve all but confirmed another New Years adventure to Tremblant! woop woop! Things are looking up.

In other news, Derek got a Wii. It’s pretty cool so far. The game play really is something new. So far the games that come with the system seem to be like tutorials on how to use the controller and things. I can’t wait to see what other types of games they will come out with. I haven’t played the PS3 yet, but so far I’m liking the Wii.

“She won’t ever figure it out, she won’t ever figure it out.” - Big D and the Kids Table

One Response to “Wii! Snow!!”

  1. on 24 Nov 2006 at 9:13 am Adam

    There is definately no snow in Johannesburg today. Off to chill with the Giraffs in a couple days.

    Woop Woop to Tremblant. I will most definatly get up there to join you for new years.

    How is the jacket. Rich guy!


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