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I know, I know….

I very overdue for an update. I’m actually struggling to find stuff to post these days. I think I have been rather busy with work these days. And other then that I haven’t been up to much. And like I said before I think i have been posting a few to many mindless links and need a bit more content. But rest assured that I am working on new posts and will hopfully have some good stuff up soon.

I’ve also been playing guitar a lot and I think I’m doing alright if i may say so myself. Drews got a new guitar as well, so who knows, maybe we’re the next oasis.

Anyway, I’ll definatly have some new posts up soon.


“Girl it’s got to be you.” - Salmonella Dub


So last night was our halloween party at 157. It was really good if I do say so myself. Everyone was dressed to kill, and it seemed like everyone had a good time. That was the most people that we’ve had at the house at one time and I think it worked out ok. No complaints from the neighbours, and not too much damage. I think the head count was about 30 people at one point. Not bad for a two bedroom.

The highlight of the night for me was probably AC slater winning the costume contest, then falling through our glass coffee table haha. good times, good times. Thanks to everyone that came out. Talks are underway for a christmas party…but we’re still recovering from this one.

I have posted all of the photos that Jen and I took here, if you have any photos I’d love it if you could send them to me and I’ll add them to the site. Here’s my favorites though:

1 100.jpg

1 148.jpg

from camera 008.jpg

Keep checking for more photos as they come by clicking the “my photos” link on the right.

“I used to drink, I used to smoke, but now I dance!” - Frankie Wylde

Just one more!

Alright, I know I’ve been posting a lot of mindless links, this is the last one though…promise.

Pretty cool music video/commercial for “Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats” and for the Sony Bravia TV. I can only imagine how much fun this was.

Bouncy Balls

UPDATE: Here’s the making of the commercial, kind of interesting.

“Here comes the sun” - Belle and Sebastian

Cool photo contest

Here’s some pretty cool picture’s from a photo contest called Wildlife Photographer Of The Year competition:

The guy who took the one of the seal must be pretty patient. Although I think the crazy thing in the sand underwater is my favorite.
Click here to see the photo that won the contest though.

“Get, Get, Get, Get, Get over it!” - Ok Go


Here’s a pretty cool goal from a skills competition. I’m going to learn to skate this winter, then I’ll start practicing my dancing goals.

I hope you guys like the new setup, I think it looks pretty cool. Thanks to Netbug for helping me set it up.

“Caution is a word that I can’t understand!” - Operation Ivy

Not much to report…

Update, I’m sick…arrrgh

Other then that not too much exciting stuff going on.

I went to see the cat empire last weekend, it rocked. But once again they hit us with a stupid early show (doors @ 5pm), so you get out of the show around 9 and don’t really know what to do with yourself after that. Good show cat empire, wicked hotel califorina cover, but learn to stay up late when you come to Toronto.

I also had a throw back to the old days and did a day working with Adam at ‘Student Cutz’ in North York. This is the lawn cutting service that I worked with last summer. Good times as usual. I made sure to wine and complain a lot just to piss Adam off, but I think we had a good time, and got enough work done for the day.

I guess that’s about it. I’m working on getting over this cold. I was paranoid that it would be strep throat but the doc assures me that it isn’t. So I’m just taking it easy this week, and going up to my parents place tomorrow for a late thanksgiving dinner.

Sorry for the lack of an interesting post…here’s a video of a balloon in a microwave.



“Take another shot of courage, wonder why the right words never come.” - Eagles

No posts for awhile…

So it has been awhile since my last post. My excuse this time is that I really have been busy. I have finally started my real shifts at Rogers. (I started working in Home phone tech support) But stupidly I signed up for some overtime to fill in the ‘cash gaps’ I was experiencing…so I have been working for 7 days straight and I’ve got two more to go before a three day weekend (AND CAT EMPIRE! WOOT!)

So far the work has been good. I haven’t had any REALLY busy days yet which is good because I’m still have a lot to learn. We did a month of training for this position, and I still get some calls that I have no idea what I’m meant to do with them. By the way, never be rude to tech support, we are only there to help you. If you want to bitch and wine at someone, call billing…we don’t care. (end mini rant)

The only other thing I’ll say about work is that I’m still undecided about my hours. I work 4-10 Saturday to Wednesday. I’ve got Thursday and Friday off. So far I’m liking the hours cause it gives me time in the day to get things done (like sleep). But I have become a bit of a night owl because of it, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

The other reason I have not posted is because of some sad news in my family. My grandpa Bert passed away last Tuesday. It was rather sudden and the family was defiantly in a bit of shock from it. We lost my grandma Lillian barely a month before, and I think we were all still just working with that one when we lost grandpa. It still blows me away how close the dates were that they died. From what I understand though, it is actually very common, especially when the wife dies first.

So Grandpa and Grandma will both be missed, but I’m sure they’re sitting by a fire somewhere drinking their coffee and watching the sun come up over pancake island.


Last night was “nuit blanche” in Toronto. I didn’t really know much about it, except that it was an art festival going all night in Toronto, the bars were open late, and it was going to be pretty crazy. So at 3am Derek, Ian and I headed out for an adventure. We started at the ROM and saw some pretty crazy exhibits out in from of the museum. The coolest being the neon sign saying “hold that thought” hanging from what I think is the coolest church in the city.


From there we headed to Hart house which had a crazy exhibit in the pool in the basement. I was a big projector playing these hypnotizing images onto the wall while really trippy sounds played over a massive sound system. And there were all the candles lit all around the pool. It was really cool, but pretty weird. The best part was when a wasted guy took off his pants and tried to jump in before a lifeguard could stop him. After that, we checked out this thing at the planetarium, they had a huge projector playing on the outside of the dome of the building. And it was just showing this sheep grazing in a field…you had to be there.
From there we walked around queens park and saw this foggy forest thing which was pretty freaky. Then we caught the free TTC shuttle down to queen west to see what was going on. There wasn’t really that much down there so we just did a quick lap then came back up.

There’s more photo’s here: clicky

I got a good one of that pool thing, but it’s on my phone, and I don’t know how to get it off.

ok that’s what happened! Now I gotta go to work! arrgs!

“I wouldn’t trade you for the world, I swear it! I love your hair and everyway that you wear it!” - Ludacris

Admin Note

Hey guys.

Just a quick note from Netbug here, I corrected the link problem with Robin’s photo albums. You can now view them in all their glory and they’re pretty funny.

Here’s the link if you need it. It’s also in his links over there on the right.




I’ve done some research…

So I’ve been trying to look up some info on this new bike that I am working on, and I think I have found the model.




The Bike is called the ”Schwinn: Slick Chick”. Yes…it is a girls bike…but what are you gonna do. I still think it looks pretty sweet, and with a bit of work, maybe i can make it look a bit more ‘manly’. (Maybe loose the streamers) I’m not sure if mine is actually a “Schwinn” or maybe just a knock off. Either way, I’m not even mad.

So far, all the progress I have made is pumping up one tire…I only did one because I didn’t want to drag the whole bike over to the gas station to pump up the tire just to find out that I can’t do it…so hopefully I’ll get the other tire up tonight, but I will still need a new chain before I can ride it. 

“Victimized, one thing I can’t criticize” - Lagwagon

Cool Jimmy Hendrix Video

Here’s a video of Jimmy Hendrix at Woodstock. It’s his whole set! Pretty good quality too!

“Excuse me! While I kiss the sky!” - Jimmy Hendrix

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